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Why Trampoline Squeak, How to Stop Trampoline Noises, Benefits

Why Trampoline Squeak, How to Stop Trampoline Noises, Benefits

Trampoline make noise while jumping because of mainly three reasons – joints, frame, and spring. They often squeak when they are not lubricated properly due to which friction is increased. New trampolines can also start squeaking after continuous use. 

To stop your trampoline from squeaking, you must lubricate the frame, joints, and springs periodically, install them on even ground, and properly spray, repair or replace the damaged parts, keeping your trampoline maintained and away from moisture by tightening all the loose nuts and bolts, covering your trampoline properly, and last covering it when not in use. 

A trampoline producing no squeaking sound creates better relations with your neighbours, makes a peaceful situation in the home for elders to work and focus, no worries of rusting, and makes the trampoline work longer.

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Why Does Your Trampoline Squeak or make noises

A squeaking object indicates that it needs to be cared for. But you would think that is why my trampoline is squeaking if they are designed only to jump. Yes, you are right, they are only designed for bouncing.

But after consistent use, increasing the weight limit, uneven installation, increased friction of trampoline parts, losing the nuts, accessories damaging or wearing out, and multiple environmental changes, of course, they produce noise, which sounds very boring.

Let’s explain all the reasons for your trampoline making noise while you are jumping on it.

The Parts Are Damaged Or Worn Out

The main reason for squeaking the trampoline is accessories damage after consistent usage. These accessories are designed with strong material – steel but every object wears out with usage. 

Sometimes, they are damaged with time, but sometimes they wear out before time due to irregular and uncontrolled usage. 

springs are not lubricated or oiled regularly and friction is increased

Close-up of Trampoline Springs
Picture of trampoline being stretched while a user is jumping

Your trampoline won’t stop making noises until you are lubricating all the accessories, – springs, joints, and frames. My personal favourites are WD-40 and Interflon Fin Super. I got complete peace from the trampoline noises after using them.

trampoline with loose or missing components

set of screws and washers, the fundamental tools required for securing loose parts of a trampoline. These tools play a crucial role in eliminating squeaks and noises, enhancing the trampoline experience
Essential tools for fixing squeaky trampoline noises

Sometimes, some nuts, bolts, or other fasteners become free from trampoline due to reasons – weather, over-use, or heavy use. They produce sound by performing movements while we are jumping over the trampoline.

They make less noise, when they are slightly attached and produce more squeaky sounds, while they are completely free, and they move while the trampoline is in use, creating more noise. 

Uneven Installation of Trampoline

Many people don’t believe that a trampoline installed on uneven ground creates squeaky sounds, but they are wrong. As the all legs are not fully placed on the ground, while a user is jumping, some part of the leg touching the ground, creates a noise/sound. This noise is produced only when we are jumping. This up-and-down movement of legs that are not completely in contact with land, creates a displeasing sound. 


I recommend you to never jump over trampolines installed on uneven ground. You can fall off either by losing the balance, or the trampoline can flip away resulting in serious injuries – head, neck, OR back injuries. 

Trampoline Mat Either Wet, or Friction,

I experienced my trampoline mat producing more sound while jumping after washing it. 

Yes, you will also experience more sounds because of friction increase, stretching trampoline springs more than usual because of increasing mat weight. Because of mat dampness dampness doesn’t allow the mat to pull away from strings, but when it is pulled out while jumping, it produces a loud sound. 

How Climate Variables Influence Trampoline Noise Level

The squeaking noise a trampoline produces is affected directly by climatic variables – temperatures, snowfall, rainfall, and humidity. Trampoline accessories can expand or contract after temperature shift, thus, the low-quality springs can either damage or lose their elasticity creating unpleasant creaking sounds. The metal parts of trampolines corrode with snow, rainfall, and increased moisture. 

The mat also can tear by experiencing changes in temperatures, either damage, when it is contracted by cold weather and users are jumping too high, thus they can’t produce such a bouncing experience, or when they are exposed to extreme sunlight the material inside the mat is damaged.

How to Stop Trampoline From Squeaking or Making Noise?

If you ask me? Would you like to jump on the trampoline producing more noise in the form of squeaking? I would reply “No, Never”.

Because I bounce on the trampoline to get free of tension, not increasing my worries.

You won’t believe me, that I can’t bear the trampoline making sounds, while I am jumping. I need an immediate solution to prevent my trampoline from making a squeaking noise that hurts my brain.

Let’s talk about the methods. 

spray a rust remover on your trampoline

Spraying a rust remover- WD-40 is always my best choice to stop my trampoline from making noise or squeaking. The reason this method is more effective is that I have got the best and most effective results after applying it on my trampoline. 

Trampoline Maintenance with Silicone Lubricant
Applying high-performance silicone lubricant to a trampoline

To spray your trampoline follow this step-by-step guide:

  • Start to analyze the parts which have started to rust, mainly check these areas- springs, joints, and metal frame.
  • Apply a rust remover. My favourite is WD-40
  • Remove the rusty surface by scrubbing using a wire brush. Be soft so that you don’t hurt the metal parts while scrubbing.
  • Wash your trampoline to clean the residues. Now let the trampoline dry, don’t let it in the wet situation, as moisture leads to more corrosion
  • Use trampoline lubricants or Silicon spray after ensuring that the trampoline is dry and clean. 
  • Reassemble the trampoline if you removed it to apply lubricants, or spray

Replace Damaged Springs

Replace the springs if they are rusted or completely damaged. Springs are mostly responsible for providing enough bounce, and when they are rusted, you get trampoline losing their bouncing power making more noise.

So you need to buy new springs from the market. But first check your current spring size and dimension either from manufacturer guidelines, or the company website by properly checking the model. 


Please, be careful while removing the damaged springs, use the proper tool – spring pulling tool, or pliers. 

After changing the rusted springs, you will feel the trampoline being so quieter and more bouncer.

Avoid Overloading the Trampoline

Maybe some people disagree with this, but overloading makes your trampoline produce more squeaky sounds, that will irritate you. Manufacture design trampoline for specific weight limits and number of users.

Trampolines used beyond the limits wear out very quickly. jumping more vigorously with multiple users makes the trampoline mat and springs more stretched. As a result, they are unable to provide enough bounce to satisfy users and produce noises. 

Sometimes, trampoline mats and springs, can’t be stretched properly, but due to increased weight, they experience increased stress, which is why they produce unbearable squeaking sounds.

Consider using shock-absorbing mats or pads and high-quality springs

You should consider using shock-absorbing mats or pads with high-quality springs to reduce trampoline noise. These mats and pads absorb the force exerted while jumping, and produce less sound, making trampolines more quiet while jumping. The use of shock-absorbing mats or pads ensures to reduce the vibrations which are the main cause of making sounds. 

Investing in a durable spring provides you guarantee to work longer, produce fewer sounds, and experience increased bouncing on your trampoline

Disassemble The Trampoline and buy a new one

This method is a favourite for people having enough money and don’t want to waste their time.

Also, I would recommend this method if your trampoline is old and completely worn out, and it costs you more to repair or replace parts than to buy a brand-new one.

Simple, buy a new trampoline, make sure to invest in a quality trampoline, and don’t compromise your safety, or lawn beauty for the sake of some pennies. Invest in your kids’ joy and safety. There is no price for making your loved ones happy. 

Buying a new trampoline will benefit you more, your kids will get happier, increase yard beauty, and kids will be healthier by burning more calories.


My advice is, that buy a new trampoline with proper research, do consider the number of users and their weights using the trampoline, consider the backyard dimension, your budget, increased safety features, and a trampoline with more warranty.

Place the Trampoline on a Soft Base

Children playing on a trampoline in a garden

Many times, your trampolines have tight bolts and nuts, but again they make a sound because they are either installed on concrete or their all legs are not properly in contact with the ground. This is a minor issue, and need no worries. There are two methods,

  • The first method is to displace your trampoline to a soft and even place after looking for a place where you will install the trampoline so that it produces no sound. But you will need some more hands if the trampoline is heavy.
  • The second method is to place a soft base – rubber mats, thick carpet, sand, or even grass, between the hard ground or concrete and trampoline legs. Again ensure to trampoline is placed evenly and there is no wobbling, as they can be extremely dangerous for your kids. 

Replace the Screws with Bolts

To make your trampoline more quiet while being used, you should replace the screws with bolts. But why? Because bolts provide tight connection, durability, and don’t get rusted. 

To get started, follow these simple steps,

  • Find all the screw locations, they are mainly found at joints.
  • Remove the screws using proper tools – screwdriver, wrench. You can also use some lubricants if they are rusty and harder to remove.
  • Select the right bolts, having the same size, length, and width. Don’t compromise on quality.
  • Install the bolts so that they reach the end, make sure to keep them tight in limit. Don’t cross the limit to damage the frame.
  • Move your trampoline or use it while jumping, and check for wobbling, or moving.

You will find your trampoline more quiet after using this method.

Use oil/lubricants/ Grease

Oiling your trampoline on a regular basis makes trampoline accessories work better, and avoids rusting and creaking sounds.

I recommend you apply oil, lubricant or grease after 10-15 days, you won’t regret it. Make sure to apply the right lubricants, and to the right location in the limit.

Yes, apply the lubricants in the limit, because applying more oil or grease will attract more dirt and debris creating another big issue. 


Don’t expect your trampoline to be fully silent after lubrication, oiling only reduces the noises, not completely diminishes it.

Some More Tricks and Tricks to make your trampoline silent while jumping

You can also follow the following tips and tricks to make your trampoline more silent while you are bouncing on it.

Maintain it regularly

Always take care of your trampoline and keep it maintained. Don’t forget about its care after installation. At least, spend one day each properly inspecting damages, and repairing them soon.

Keep your trampoline free of dirt

Don’t let dirt get collected on your trampoline, they are the reason, your trampoline accessories – springs, frame, or joints get rusted and produce more creaking sounds when you are jumping. 

away from water or moisture

Increased water and moisture corrode trampoline metal parts more corroded, which makes their accessories weaker, producing weird sounds, or can even break being more dangerous to use.

Cover or Store the trampoline if not in use

Protect your trampoline in a safe covering, or store it in a safe place, if it is not used. This prevents your trampoline from suffering from harsh weather conditions.

follow manufacturer guidelines

Don’t exceed the limit and rules fixed by the manufacturers, use the trampoline within the limit, give the trampoline some rest after use, and jump while considering the proper weight limit and number of 

Use springless trampolines

Using springless trampolines is the complete solution for your trampoline making noise, if you find that springs are the main reason for your squeaking trampolines.

What is the Main Purpose of stopping the trampoline from making noise

The main purpose of stopping trampolines from making sounds is to make your trampoline more sustained and durable. You will hear from people, that the creaking sound is annoying and disruptive to the ear, Yes, I know, but the main issue you are missing.


A squeaking trampoline warns you that your trampoline needs maintenance. Your trampoline starts making noise, when the accessories are either damaged, worn out or about to break. You should take proper actions ( described above) to work it smoothly in a quiet manner. 

What are the Benefits of a Quiet Trampoline

A trampoline producing no strange sounds when your kids are jumping on it is more beneficial.

First of all, a silent trampoline indicates that it is properly maintained.

Your kids enjoy more with greater bounce and no unusual sounds are produced.

your neighbours don’t complain about noises from your trampoline if it is placed near their wall.

Also, the elders in your home get a sound environment to work or study and don’t get irritated by trampoline noises.

frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of oiling a trampoline?

The benefits of oiling a trampoline are, that it reduces the noise ( not finishes it), prevents the trampoline from rusting or breaking, improves performance by ensuring smooth and safe jumping, and increases the lifespan of the trampoline.

How often should I lubricate my trampoline to stop the squeaking sound?

I would recommend you to oil your trampoline after 10-15 days. You can also lubricate your trampoline when you hear it making freaking sounds.

What is the best step-by-step way to fix squeaky noisy trampolines?

To make your squeaky trampoline quieter, simply disassemble your trampoline, remove all the parts with care, clean them, apply lubricants, or grease, use a spray such as WD-40, and assemble it properly.

Is it safe to use WD-40 on my trampoline?

Yes, it is completely safe to use WD-40 on your trampoline as it creates a protective layer on your trampoline to prevent dirt or fungus from getting attached.

Do Springfree trampolines squeak?

No springfree trampolines usually don’t squeak, as they are designed differently from traditional noise-making trampolines. They consist of flexible cover rods instead of springs.

Why Does My New Trampoline Squeak?

Mainly new trampolines do not squeak. There can be issues – assembly issues, springs being tighter, improper lubrication, uneven installation being placed on a hard surface, worn or damaged parts or sometimes, loose nuts, and bolts.

Can You Use WD40 on a Trampoline?

Yes, you can use WD-40 on your trampoline, that is completely safe and provides the best results.

How Do You Lubricate Trampoline Springs?

To lubricate trampoline springs, first take a clean cloth to wipe all the dirt and debris, after that, apply silicone-based lubricants ( don’t use petroleum or oil-based), and spread them to all parts of the springs. Check the springs, and stop applying more if they don’t produce noise this time.

What Is the Quietest Trampoline?

Springfree trampolines are quieter than other traditional trampolines. But no trampoline doesn’t even produce a sound.

Do Mini Trampolines Make Noise?

Mini trampolines, mainly don’t produce noise much if they are used in a controlled way. 


  • Dr. Sabina Rogers

    Dr. Sabina Rogers brings 15+ years of global health experience to's mission. After completing her MPH at Johns Hopkins University, she led international development projects worldwide. Her work with organizations like CARE, FINCA International, and the Peace Corps focused on co-creating sustainable health, education, finance, and empowerment solutions. Dr. Rogers is devoted to project management and building cross-cultural collaborations.